According to Minister Marco Mendicino, Canada is currently on pace to reach over 401,000 Permanent Residents this year after achieving record numbers in June and July. The last time Canada reached this number was in the early 1900s. In July, Canada counted 39,500 new permanent residents after bringing in 35,700 the previous month setting both as monthly records. This now brings the total to over 184,000 in 2021 and makes Canada far “ahead of where we expected to be at this point in the year” says the minister.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19 the number of Permanent residence dropped to 185,000 in 2020 from 341,000 in 2019. Canada has been making it a priority to bring the numbers back up this year, confiding in programs that allow temporary residents (who are staying in Canada) to acquire their PR’s more easily. “By granting them permanent status, they’re going to put down roots in their communities,” Mendicino said. “That is exactly how we’re going to address both the short-term economic recovery, which we are accelerating through immigration, as well as the long-term demographic pressures.” If you or someone you know needs immigration help or is trying to attain their Permanent residence, please contact Davis Immigration Law Firm.